NEW Covid19 Protocols for Workshops

Dear heARTful Creators!!

What a year…. or two… I hope you are all staying well as we seem to be still navigating the pandemic in Nova Scotia. We have done well but this time of year is concerning as everything moves indoors.

Some of you have been wondering about the resumption of my Into the HeArt of You intuitive painting classes.

Alas I have not resumed in-person classes for painting and have still not created anything for online. Have felt a bit stuck to be honest!

At the every least I plan to have some outdoor classes next summer, and hopefully this all will have passed enough that we can do some indoor gatherings again or at least private or small sessions.

NOTE I am no longer at the former Kindred Spirits location, I am working from home. Art classes, when they resume, will either be one or two people in my home or at various rented locations to be determined for groups.

All in-person sessions for art will be, for the forseeable future, done wearing masks and social distancing AND you will be required to complete a self-assessment form, and sign and dated as of the day of our meeting. IN order to help protect my spouse and his clients as well I now require proof of vaccination. I believe it is also mandated for *non-essential*  group events. Please print and sign before you come. If you cannot honestly answer that you have none of the risks I ask you to let me know ASAP and to postpone your session.

Covid 19 Pre screening checklist

I am obliged in my relationship with my husband, who is a massage therapist, for our safety and that of his clients, to ask each participant to answer the same pre-screening questions he must ask. You must be free of these symptoms or conditions in order to attend. Find the downloadable questionnaire here that you must fill in and sign to be confirmed when you arrive at the session or workshop. Click the highlighted link to download and print. Thank you for your understanding.

Covid 19 Pre screening checklist

For future reference, check out a video sample and more detailed information of our normal classes  right HERE.

In the spirit of our Rise Above, paint your wings classes, I invite you to envision the highest vision for yourself, your families, and community, as we get through this difficult year or season. We can do the hard things to keep each other safe. This too shall pass, and i look forward to gathering with you once again t create from the heART!