Something magical happens when you use symbolism, drawn from colour, texture and objects, to represent your life or your prayers for your life…a perspective shift happens with a physical representation of your story or your dreams.
In creating a spirit stick or prayer stick you may even decide to re-write your story, choosing the meaning you give to the events of your life, or create a vision of the life you hope for. You may be familiar with the image of a “talking stick” where the person holding it in a group setting “has the floor”. Well, it’s a little bit like that although with a different intention and more intricately decorated. It may be long or short, meant for keeping in your home, using in ceremonies you create, or for planting outside in your garden to send your prayers out in the wind.
It is preferable that you do your own walk outdoors in advance to find a piece of wood that “speaks” to you, possibly on your own land, or on some piece of wilderness that has meaning to you. (Please do not cut wood for this, it should be a naturally fallen branch, perhaps 1 – 4 feet long and probably not more than an inch and a half in diameter). I encourage you to start the process with your own search for the wood, as that in itself is part of the journey that can provide its own magic or meaning.
There will be a Soul Journey meditation to find out what your soul wants you to know for this project. I will supply a large array of beads and baubles, feathers and yarns to decorate the stick to express whatever needs to come out.
The class will be approx. 2 – 2.5 hours. All materials provided except for your personally-found stick. Tea and light refreshments will also be provided.
Workshop Fee: $45 (includes taxes)
Check the events calendar or gather your own friends and call me for a private class, min 4, max 12 participants!